The production steps of PU leather, Longyuan will share with you

PU leather is a kind of polyurethane material, which is made of simulated leather and feels similar to real leather. So do you know how PU leather is produced?
The production of PU leather is divided into base fabric processing, rubber preparation, coating, laminating, gelling, surface treatment, embossing, cooling, coiling and other processes.
The following mainly describes four of the important steps.
1. Direct coating: The rubber material is directly applied to the pretreated base fabric with a scraper, and then put into the plasticizing box for gelation and plasticization, and then undergoes embossing and cooling to obtain the finished product.
2. Transfer coating: The paste is coated on the carrier with a reverse roller or a scraper. After gelation, the cloth base is compounded on the gelled material layer without tension, and then plasticized. and cooled and peeled off from the carrier, and then post-processed to obtain the finished product.
3. Calendering and laminating: After measuring the resin, plasticizer and other ingredients according to the formula requirements, put them into the kneader to mix evenly, and then send them to the three-roller or four-roller calender through the internal mixer and open mill. See Plastic Machinery The film is rolled into a film of required thickness and width, laminated to the preheated base fabric, and then embossed and cooled to obtain the finished product.
4. Extrusion lamination: Mix the resin, plasticizer and other ingredients evenly in the kneader. After refining, the extruder will extrude the film layer with a certain thickness and width, and then use it with the three-roller setting machine. The preheated base fabric is laminated, and then preheated, filmed, embossed, and cooled to obtain the finished product.